Client: Brahma InBev
Father's Day Activation
In the Father's Day, we invite your dad's idol to call him. And it was a big surprise.
In Brazil, Brahma Beer sponsors the 23 leading soccer clubs. So, on Father’s Day, to made a tribute to fathers and sons passionate by soccer, we invited sons to send to their fathers a special call.
A call from an former players of their soccer club. Twenty-three soccer idols wished a happy Father’s Day to our greatest idols: our fathers.
More than 15.000 calls was did with a recorded message.
/Website Interface
My role: Idea, Art direction.
Agency: Africa
VP: Sergio Gordilho
Creative Director: Eco Moliterno
Art Director: Caio Fernando, Caio Gandolfi
Copywriter: Raul Palhares